Our Memberships

Core Membership

Core is our premium VIP membership. With Core we bring together the very best of everything that we can offer. This membership includes all the digitisation of your medical history, data extraction, full diagnostic testing (initial and follow-up) and 12 months support from our Medical Concierge Team.

Private Clients


With your Health Optimisation Plan now established we move into a supporting role, making your appointments with our specialists so that you can receive detailed guidance on each aspect of your health that you are looking to improve. With a wide range of experienced consultants, specialists and professionals we will build the right team around you.


We begin by building a complete understanding of your medical history. We will aggregate and digitise as much of your medical past as we can get access to and extract your previous health markers.

With this information in hand we will take you through the most comprehensive diagnostic testing available in the world today so that we can fully understand your health right now.

Once we have your results in hand you will meet with one of our senior doctors who will discuss your results and advise you on the best pathway to optimal health.


Now you have started your journey to optimal health we need to keep you on track. Following the advice of your Doctor we will run key diagnostics every 3-6 months so that we can track your improvements and make real-time adjustments to optimisation plan.

Ongoing Support

Yuuu is designed for long-term, multi-year support. When you decide you no longer need us, we will transfer all of your personal data to you, so that you can continue your journey of a lifetime.

For our Corporate Clients we focus on employee health. We empower employees and enable them to work with a foundation of optimal health. This brings significant benefits to the entire business with improved employee health, fewer sick days and an optimised workforce.

It also brings a secondary benefit to businesses offering private medical insurance to their employees. With accurate employee health data, your insurer will be able to provide more accurate premiums based on your employee group and not wider statistical averages. This will often lead to a reduction in insurance premiums, which can offset the cost of Yuuu.

For our Corporate Clients, Yuuu offers a win-win solution. Your investment in your employees health provides a valuable resource for them whilst reducing sickness related losses and potentially lower health premiums.

Corporate Clients

The Journey

The journey to optimal health is ongoing, feeling better tomorrow than you did today is a goal that we can all achieve.

Understanding and achieving your health goals is our mission. There is no reason why you can’t be healthy and active into your 70s, 80s and even your 90s, The Blue Zones have taught us that.

We have the knowledge and technology that we need to live better for longer and it is through the application of this knowledge that we will help you to become the healthiest version of yourself.

Start your journey today.

“Health is a priceless wealth, invest while you can. ”

— Bryant McGill